Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Summer of Sarah Dessen

Who is ready for this! It's The Summer of Sarah Dessen, where we read books by Sarah Dessen to kick off Summer! It will run from May 25 - July 1. I have selected 6 books that I want to read by her, they have the dates to be reading the book, pages/ pages per day, and title. The number of days changes for each book because you have more time to read in the summer, and you read faster(Note: I have rounded some of the pages/ pages per day up because it will help you stay on track and  they a rounded close to the number of real pages in the  book, plus I got the page number of Goodreads, so they may be wrong). So let's get this Summer started!

The Summer of Sarah Dessen

The Truth about Forever
Pages: 400
Read- May 25 - July 3
Page per: 40

Lock and Key
Read: June 4 - 11
Per: 54 

Keeping the Moon
Pages: 256
Read: June 12 - 16
Per: 52

Someone Like You
Pages: 288
Read: June 17 - 20
Per: 72

Along for the Ride
Pages: 432
Read: June 21 - 26
Per: 72

Just Listen
Pages: 400
Read: June 27 - July 1
Per: 80

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Biggest Book Haul Ever

Hi guys,

Yes I know I have been off for a while, and I am so sorry! I do have an excuse, because of all the homework I've been having, and you can't just blame me because a lot of bloggers are slacking, too. Not that I'm mad at you guys, I am mad at my self for doing this to you guys. I hope I can be a better blogger in the next couple of months, but grill me if I'm not on. I've also been in a huge reading slump, I'm still reading, but very slowly. Since I was gone I've read about five or more books, I know I was slacking, but I am still going to school. My goal for this Summer is to have a review a week, until then you might have to be patient, because I am really busy. I hope you understand and I still love you guys!

Anyways, I am doing a book haul instead of 'Stacking the Shelves' or 'In my Mailbox' because sometimes I don't buy books ever week, SHOCKER! Sorry guys but I don't have a lot of time any more to buy books. This is most likely the biggest book haul I will ever do because it's not only for April. I am doing it for the months of January, February, March, and April, so more books for you guys. I just hope this will get me back to blogging for you guys.



